Ever since the commercialization of electricity, there has been an untapped by-product in the form of magnetic fields generated by flowing currents in power lines. By harvesting and harnessing this unused, wasted magnetic energy, Ferraris has opened a new pathway for electric power generation and electrical energy recycling technology.
Ferraris proudly introduces world’s first and only Energy Recycling Reservoir (ERR) system. we developed the ERR system to allow for large-scale electric power generation, as evidenced by a beta test that was successfully completed at a small hydroelectric power plant (Korea Midland Power).
The beta test included evaluations on the integrity and reliability of the ERR system, and was assessed for 2.5 years upon installation. These favorable results were possible with our unprecedented, patented technologies (high-power ring cores manufacturing and power-focusing technologies).
The ERR system is designed to be a multipower-focusing module with contactless high-power ring cores that indirectly connect to power lines and generate electric power. The large-scale electrical energy produced can then either be stored in an Energy Storage system to be used when needed or distributed to the load in real-time.
The ERR system (models: UH-10 and UL-10) is typically installed in a contactless method on three-phase four-wire power lines (i.e., R, S, T, and N). The ERR system can be connected in cascade and/or parallel and is highly scalable for decentralized installations. The ERR system is operated in conjunction with its subsystem (Power Control system, Battery pack and, Monitoring system).
Additionally, if the ERR system is used for a load whereby reactive power occurs (kilovolt ampere reactive hours, kVArh), the system can reduce the reactive power by “Improved Power Factor Technology.” With the ERR system, customers can thereby vastly improve the efficiency of power energy usage: for instance, by reducing the reactive power, improving the power factor, and more to ultimately save electricity.
The ERR system (a fully developed novel system, not yet applied worldwide) is comparable to small- or medium-scale decentralized power plants.
The ERR system is indirectly connected to power lines and makes use of the magnetic field around a flowing current to generate electric power, thus potentially the most optimal solution for decarbonization and environmental protection as it does not further expend natural resources.
Moreover, installations of the ERR system will not further harm the environment: vacant spaces in present operational facilities will be utilized, with approximately 500-1,000 ft2 of installation space required per site; it is also a system that is fundamentally competitive in regard to development and installation period (approximately 4-6 months per site)
In comparison to existing power plant types regarding development and O&M cost, the ERR system can be installed and operated with an economical advantage, such that it even has the greatest potential to change the future growth of the electricity market.
We are confident that this system will revolutionize the power generation solution for additional electricity generation capacity.
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